March Gardening in Ohio


This is the month to start thinking seriously about beginning outdoor work in the yard and flower gardens.  Get outside and rejoice that the color has returned to our landscapes!

 Pansies, Johnny-Jump-Ups and Violas can handle the March chill so plant them in containers or window boxes.  Tulips and Daffodils will begin their show this month.  As you enjoy their blooms, think about planting more bulbs in the fall.  Make sure to take pictures of your flower beds now so you will know where to plant later in the year. 

 The best thing you can do for your lawn in March is to service your mower and get the blade sharpened. 

  1. Remove and throw away the spark-plug,
  2. Uncover the engine and clean off any gunk and grass clippings from all parts,
  3. If you did not empty the gas tank before winter, empty it now.  Leave it empty to tip it over to get to the blade.
  4. Remove blade to get it sharpened or install a new one,
  5. Replace the fuel filter and clean or replace the air filter,
  6. Drain the oil and refill it with fresh,
  7. Fill the gas tank with fresh gasoline (and oil if it is a 2-cycle engine), and
  8. Install a new spark-plug.                                                                                                                                                                                                      

You can plant Roses this month wherever the soil has thawed and it is not to wet to be worked.  Remember to “Prune when the Daffodils Bloom”.  Cut out all the dead and diseased canes.  Cut canes that show winter-kill back to live wood; cut as low as you need to.

 March is the month that you cut back all your ornamental grasses.  The easiest way to do this is to tie the grass tightly about a foot from the ground and cut it straight across with hedge shearers.  If you notice a hole in the middle of your grasses, this signals they that need to be divided; do this after cutting them back.

 It is time to get serious about new shrubs for the yard.  You can plant after the soil thaws.  This is also a good time for cosmetic pruning of spring-flowering shrubs but be sure to only remove dead or injured twigs.  If you have older shrubs that need to be rejuvenated do so this month.  Cut back the oldest, thickest, woodiest stems to 4-6 inches above the soil level.  Cut out about 1/3 of the total branches.  Cut back another 1/3 next year and the remaining 1/3 the year after. 

 “In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt”. ~Margaret Atwood

headshotAbout the Author: Sheri Miller is the Owner of Another You, LLC, a Business Concierge/Personal Assistant service in the Dayton, Ohio area. Sheri helps small business owners save time and money by taking care of their day-to-day administrative tasks. Think of her as your right hand while your left hand is growing your business. 937-416-2207

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